About Us
Be connected, be social, be diverse.

We believe in building brands on engaging communications that focus on people and meaningful long-lasting relationships. Your audience wants to see you, hear you and understand you. They want to be inspired to connect and engage. We build powerful connections between brands and consumers online by creating the humanised brand of the future.
We strive to help companies outperform their competition and become an innovative, communication-driven brand. DigiAstrum holistic branding and digital marketing strategists help you to pioneer new market opportunities and bring value to your customers. With our wide expertise in international market we help business-to-business companies to communicate value to their clients and to boost their likeability.
We are not your usual online marketing agency. We go beyond the brand conversions, bringing integrated cultural solutions to your company life, recruitment and team mindset.
When expanding your company into new regions, cultural business expertise plays a vital role. We provide international brand consulting services and help companies to build their brand in the European, Scandinavian, EMEA regions.
Our team